Revieve for Brands

Transform Your Brand’s Digital Presence with Personalized Brand Experiences

Let your customers experience your brand like never before. Revieve’s industry-leading platform solutions empower beauty, health, and wellness brands to build data-driven, long-lasting relationships that maximize consumer value.

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Trusted by Brands and Retailers
across the Globe

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Beauty & Wellness Platform

Create Unforgettable Digital Beauty Experiences

Provide exceptional AI and AR-powered shopping experiences that can be used as a self-service or with the beauty advisor. Leverage one single platform for personalizing the customer experience in beauty, health, and wellness.

High Customization

Customize to Your Brand

Put your brand’s unique philosophy and values in the forefront of your digital experience. Blend your brand identity with highly-customizable, state-of-the-art digital brand experience solutions and create instant differentiation in the market.

Cross-channel Enablement

Achieve Omnichannel Harmonization

Make your brand truly accessible for every shopper. Effortlessly scale your personalized brand experiences across your online D2C and in-store channels, digital marketplaces, and platforms - globally and locally.

Data & Analytics

Get Robust Insights

Dive deep into the needs and preferences of your target audience through privacy-first consumer data collected throughout the consumer journey. Utilize the insights to shape a loved brand that stays connected with its audience.

End-to-end Personalization Solutions for Beauty and Wellness Brands

Streamline your digital transformation with Revieve’s comprehensive, plug-and-play, experiences, that effortlessly adapt to your brand and enable en expedited go-live and ROI.

Committed to Your Success

Revieve’s services are specifically designed to empower beauty brands to focus on what matters most—the brand. We provide comprehensive support, from initial implementation to ongoing updates, customization, data analytics, and more, minimizing the resources needed from your side.

End-to-end Personalization Solutions for Beauty and Wellness Brands

Streamline your digital transformation with Revieve’s comprehensive, plug-and-play, experiences, that effortlessly adapt to your brand and enable en expedited go-live and ROI.

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Transform Your Brand’s Digital Presence with Revieve.

With our expert guidance, we'll help you every step of the way to transform your digital brand experience. Start personalizing today and see the power of a strong customer relationship.
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