Revieve's global leading AI Skincare Advisor helps you educate and support your customers in discovering skincare products, routines, and treatments tailored to their concerns and needs.

Dean DeBiase - Revieve Chairman


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“I focus on how to achieve growth through innovative partnerships bringing corporate and startups together. Having been both a CEO of Fortune 500 subsidiaries and a Silicon Valley serial CEO—where I’ve led startups through market-making phases including global expansion, digital disruption, turnaround, roll-up, spin-out, M&A and IPO—I’ve seen successful pathways to growth from a diverse perspective”


Named a “Growth Guru” by Inc., Dean DeBiase has served in CEO roles of a dozen companies, accelerating them through market-making hyper-growth phases. He has also been the CEO of Fortune 500 subsidiaries, and a director on public, private, family-enterprise, CVC, PE and VC boards.  

Today, Dean is the Executive Chairman of Revieve, a personalized digital brand experience company, and Reboot Partners, which helps organizations tackle their most challenging issues, and seize emerging market opportunities. He is also Faculty Member at Kellogg School of Management, a Technology Fellow at Northwestern University, a Board Leadership Fellow at NACD, and an Advisor to the NSF.

A popular keynote speaker and best-selling author, Dean is a frequent media guest and commentator on CNBC, CNN and Fox, and contributor to Forbes and Fortune. Dean is the Executive Producer and Host of The Reboot Chronicles Podcast and is working on his next book, Dancing with Startups.

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Communications Lead
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